
A Promise is a Promise

well, since i posted last there's been a lot more noise around the house. as you can imagine the wee little birdies are finding their voices and now that there are 3 baby birds it's even a bit louder. the third one made its grand debut this last Sunday, as far as we can tell. i did get a few pics, but it is hard to differenciate each one from the other as they are kinda crammed in the nest. basically in the pics they are in a row from left to right. and i believe the 3rd one can be determined by its little bum on the far right. the dark blackish colored spots are their eyes if that helps.


You're My Little Girl

on a warm sunny day in 1993 i went into labor. the next day, i went into shock. i couldn't believe i was holding a baby in my arms that was mine. her tiny fingers and toes, her soft little whisps of blonde hair, her big blue eyes. *sigh* little did i know i was in for the time of my life!

over the years my Lovebug has been my only constant companion. always by my side. we've been through a lot. we've laughed together, cried together, played together and learned together. she has been the source of a lot of things in my life. good things. hard things. sweet things. i don't want to let her go. i don't want to be drawing closer to the time where she'll leave my arms. it's bad enough she barely fits into them anymore. but let her go i must. just a little. a little more.

my one-and-only baby is 15 today. and i can hardly believe what a beautiful young lady she's turning into. as i look at her still innocent face, i see joy, peace and love. i also see a bit of me in there and it makes me smile. *sigh*

Happy Birthday my sweet Princess Lovebug. i love you so, so much. you will always be my little girl!


As I Sit Here...

i can hear the gentle roll of occasional thunder and the drip, drip, drop of rain. ok, it's a little more constant than that and even with all the windows i have it's almost dark enough to turn a light on-but i'm resisting. outside, my garden is burgeoning with ripened goodies that are anxious to be picked but, alas, it will have to wait for a dryer time. in the meantime...

behind me i can also hear the very faint attempts at chirping by our new baby finches. there are 2 right now. it's an amazing thing. yesterday we got a sneak peek at baby #1 in all its newborn glory. it came complete with tiny beak, tiny head, tiny arms and so on. simply too adorable for words right down to its Albert Einstein 'hairdo'. since the proud parents are named Westley and Buttercup it seemed only fit to name it Waverly as my astute daughter pointed out. (ahhh just warms the heart huh?) we were no sooner all a flutter with 'baby news' than all of a sudden we realized another little something. yep, another little baby was making its little presence known to us! baby #2 has joined us but is yet unnamed. we're open to suggestions (anyone?). it may actually depend on what their genders will eventually reveal themselves to be, but i'm open.

we are now knee deep in amazing life and tiny cuteness. there are 3 more eggs and as you can imagine we are on pins and needles waiting to see if there will be yet another little biddy baby bird birth. i haven't really been able to get a real clean pic of the happy little growing family yet, but when i do, i will most definitely post it.


Stories of Knitting and Fishing Stories

so there really has been a lot of knitting going on, it's just all been behind the scenes! we got back from camping, cleaned up and then started right back in to our lives. the trip was great. we had fun. it rained on my birthday BUT we had DQ ice cream cake in the in-laws camper while we played card games and we even braved the rain and did some fishing! yes, in the rain. it was so much fun. i even caught a small mouth bass! woo hoo! it was about 18 or so inches long and pushing 2 pounds-a definite keeper. well, it would have been, if the extremely large and apparently hungry snapping turtle hadn't decided he wanted a snack! no kidding, the head on this turtle was as big as my hand and it's body was the size of both my dogs put together. it was like the Loch Ness monster only in Minnesota in Lake Schumway. i lost my fish, but it was very intriguing to watch him devour my fish. i just stood there, mouth gaping in awe. of course i left me camera in the camper to stay warm and dry so you'll just have to believe my fish tale. it really happened. honest. just ask my brother in law who found the fish head still strung to the line with no body! his reaction was priceless.